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Sedation Dentistry in Toronto

Sedation dentistry services offered by your Toronto dentist.

Sedation dentistry allows us to help apprehensive patients get the dentistry they need pain-free. If you have avoided dental treatment for many years because of dental anxiety, but want to have a healthy smile again, sedation dentistry may be for you.

Sedation Dentistry is done by taking an oral or I.V. (intravenous) sedative or by inhaling medicated air containing nitrous oxide. Sedation dentistry is very safe, you will be awake but very relaxed. While sedated, patients are able to respond to the dentist but they are so relaxed that they do not experience any pain, discomfort or anxiety.

Keep reading below for descriptions of our sedation dentistry services.

Our Hours

  • Mon: -
  • Tue: -
  • Wed: -
  • Thu: -
  • Fri: -
  • Sat: -
  • Sun:Closed

Come meet your local Toronto Dentist

You deserve a happy dental experience, we want to help. Call us today at (416) 533-5544 for our assistance.

Who Is a Candidate For Sedation Dentistry?

People who have…

  • anxiety about dental treatment
  • traumatic dental experiences
  • difficulty getting numb
  • a bad gag reflex
  • very sensitive teeth
  • complex dental problems
  • limited time to complete dental care

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous Oxide SedationNitrous Oxide Gas, often referred to as laughing gas, is an effective drug that has many benefits for patients seeking dental treatment. Used on its own or in conjuction with conscious oral sedation, it helps to keep patients comfortable and relaxed. The gas is administered with a comfortable mask placed over the nose, the patient begins to feel a pleasant level of sedation in anywhere from 30 seconds to three or four minutes. After the treatment is completed, the patient is given pure oxygen to breathe for about five minutes, and all the effects of sedation are usually reversed. A patient that was anxious just a minute or two before treatment will become relaxed and calm.

Sedation dentistry allows us to help apprehensive patients get the dentistry they need pain-free. We cater to cowards! If you have not had dental treatment for many years but want to have a healthy smile again, conscious oral sedation dentistry is for you.

Come meet your local Toronto Dentist

You deserve a happy dental experience, we want to help. Call us today at (416) 533-5544 for our assistance.